Sunday, October 21, 2007


I met HIM in the DEAD of night,

HIS heart lonely and SO withdrawn from life.

I knew that HE was weighed down with a HEAVY soul.

And it was @ this time that I knew,

Why HE came.

HIS life so EMPTY,
Seemingly without any REAL meaning;
But with all my reasoning I should have ran,
For HE had LOST the LOVE of HIS life.
So in HIS time of grief,
The universe spoke to me;
And it was then I knew what I am meant to do.
HIS grief is part of my human experience,
And I am to crack the outer shell of HIS scary world;
Leaving us both RAW n’ FRESH.
Showing HIM that I willing to walk thorough grief,
Revealing the LAST person HE expected to see;
Forcing the trust HE tried so hard not to feel.
Now in HIS time of grief,
In the wisdom of WE.
For HIS burden has been eased,
I help HIM carried it;
Now HE can process and release…
HIS thoughts n’ feelings,
Filtered via the beloved someone.
I know @ first HE felt guilt,
For allowing me inside;
But now HE understands.
I am the messenger,
Sent via the universe for HIS benefit;
In HIS time of grief.
© tgk


  1. simply breathtaking, lol, you take one of the hardest of human emtions and do what alot of people are afraid to do, BE THERE. It always easy to find someone when things are going great, but when it gets hard, the multitude becomes few. You take a look beyond the grief and find purpose, and that is what I call inspiration.

  2. Compassion is what the world has to develop. Who are we to let a person suffering without having in mind this: Why I don't suffer ? Am I always good for with the person I cross or just turning my back because I don't want to be disturn my ignorance and lack of compassion ?Great article man...just continue your tremendous effort to let all of us to stop and THINK.CongratulationsS.
