Sunday, April 26, 2009


WHAT IS GOD…A SUPREME FIGURE KEEPING SCORE? THE SALVATION YOU SEEK WITH FEAR & TREMBLING? THE WORLD’S GREATEST THOUGHT? THE ELEMENT THAT MAKES US HUMAN? A DISTORTED ILLUSION? THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF MAN? THE ANSWER TO THE WORLD’S PROBLEMS? Depend on who you ask, you’d get a series of responses, after all the world out there is nothing but a mirror of our beliefs…right? So it stands reason that if one changes his/her beliefs that their world would reflect the change…right? So let’s go the beginning…before all things physical could be made manifest into form there was CONSCIOUSNESS; and this directed light into place known as the universe. From this light, comes everything we experience as OUR reality. This reality has taught us that everything in the universe fits into four categories: GRAVITY, ELECTROMAGNETISM, STRONG & WEAK FORCES. However, ELECTROMAGNETISM (light) is the one we see and we see only see a fraction of it. This within itself presents a problem because we can only consider so much about what believe and it seems that we keep waiting for an answer about WHO IS GOD, when GOD doesn’t answer because GOD just is. The concept of GOD in my opinion goes like this…90% of the universe appears to be empty space, with only 10% (or less) being light the OBVIOUS question would be what is the 90% of space made up of? We considered various names for it, but if we define it by giving it a name, aren’t we just putting limit on something that goes beyond what we can see OR believe? Think about how the objects we see are nothing more than light, moved through frequencies into the lens of the eye and onto the back of the brain. Doesn’t this make you wonder if the brain is even seeing anything @ all? From where I am sitting this says to me that the world is not outside us, but within us…Thus the concept of GOD depends on what we may OR may not see…Hence the problem because how can one connect with something they can’t see? I say we can through REVOLUTION...however, this can ONLY HAPPEN IF & WHEN WE RESIST THE EGO, THE SELF-CENTERED NATURE THAT WANTS TO REACT, SCREAM, CHEAT, YELL, WORRY & ABUSE & CONNECT OUR SOULS TO GOD. I believe that if we are to KNOW if GOD exists or not, we need to try to TALK to GOD from OUR hearts and see if we can finally see…This would mean that we do away with the notion that those who QUESTIONS GOD’S exist aren’t on the same path as those that believe despite not knowing for sure. Some chooses to believe in the 90% while others simply want to see more. Sure the skeptics can come across as aggressive AND offensive, but we all live in a world where NO one can say they are 100% right and the other is 100% wrong. WHAT EGOS WE HUMANS HAVE TO INSIST OTHERWISE! How foolish is it to dispute the existence of GOD while we empower our egos AND destroying ourselves? We as humans looked to OUR mortal minds for answers and COMPLETELY forgot the TRUTH about our being; and if we are to awaken from our FALSE beliefs, we can effectively reflect WHO GOD REALLY IS…After all, we aren’t just human beings, but GOD being human…I think that the POPULAR RELIGIOUS version of GOD is what keeps us from finding the GOD in ourselves…AREN’T WE OFFENDING EACH OTHER BY NOT FIND GOD IN EACH OTHER BEFORE WE CAST OUR NETS IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD? I FOR ONE FIND IT AMAZING HOW THIS STORY OF BELIEF BETWEEN US & GOD STARTS WITH US & IT’LL END THAT SAME WAY…NOW IF ONLY WE COULD STOP SEEKING & LET THE OBVIOUS ANSWERS FIND EACH ONE OF US…

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