Monday, June 1, 2009


So many gay men has mastered the art of secrecy and though I believe that no one person should know everything there is to know about you, I can’t help but wonder if in our quest to be private if we aren’t hurting ourselves in the process? I understand that we are victims, but when we discover the truth about who we are, shouldn’t that change our lives for the better? So many of us PRAY for change, but we guard ourselves from each other because reinventing the wheel is too much work and hiding from ourselves is much easier…right? When are we going to see how this fear causes survival fatigue for OUR community? From HIV to HOMOPHOBIA we slowly die inside when we don’t have too…If only each and every one of us try to combat the resultant solitude by allowing the community to do what it is suppose to do. No man is an island and though mankind is King, I feel we can learn something from insect world. Yes we can squash them with our mighty power, but they work together as a team. They cannot and do not survive as individuals; they survive as members of a group, and the group’s survival is the implicit goal of each individual’s life. There is no concept of life outside the group as far they are concerned, so we need to get ourselves together AND boldly grow into the community without fearing each other…Aren’t you tired of gay men UNCONSCIOUSLY projecting the thoughts AND feelings of others that aren’t good for them AND us as a community? Our soul longs to fulfill the purpose we agreed to in the timelessness in which we existed before our birth. And because of this the universe will NOT direct your path into a community that you should you fear…SO THE TIME TO WALK WITH AWARENESS HAS BEEN LONG GONE & WE CAN CATCH UP, BUT IN ORDER FOR US TO DO SO WE NEED TO ASSUME THAT THINGS WE THINK ABOUT THE GAY COMMUNITY IS BASED ON FALSEHOOD & QUELL THEM WITH FACTS! WE CAN’T CONTINUE TO LIVE IN FEAR OF A COMMUNITY THAT IS OUR HOME & WE NEED TO TRUST EACH OTHER WITH UNHINDERED OPTIMISM IF WE ARE TO PUT AN END TO FEELING ALONE N’ SCARED…

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