Saturday, July 18, 2009


What if you were born into a different culture? Would you have been conscious enough to find your way back to your current belief system? Or are your current beliefs merely a product of your environment AND NOT the result of conscious choice? Many churches are just a mixed of what came before AND MANY religious teachers (i.e. priests, rabbis, ministers, etc.) don’t have any REAL authority over our SPIRITUALITY, yet we believe the things they tell us…So how do we combat this? How do we navigate in a world when survival requires us to be in possession of SO many skills? Most individuals rely on the support of a church, whether populated by strangers OR community members, to effectively address the numerous ways they need spiritual assistance. This can mean anything from asking others to pray for them, leaning on members for support OR taking the word of a man that has a connection with God. Now I am all for community AND togetherness, but I am under the impression that each human being is born with the capacity to be their own church…Think about it, we embody many roles throughout our lifetimes, all of which are representative of our capacity for self-sufficiency and self-determination. In different moments in our lives, we are our own pastor, deacon, elder, mother, sister AND brother. Our willingness to joyfully take on these roles grants us the power to maintain control over the direction of our lives take. Hence I believe that us going to church shouldn’t be about what pastor say, but more about enhancing what we know is true to begin with…I find it SO interesting that SO many of us feel uncomfortable standing at the helm of our own existence when it comes to OUR spirituality. We question our ability to make decisions concerning our own happiness, welfare AND connection to God, which leaves us feeling dependent AND powerless. By BEING OUR OWN CHURCH, we ultimately take responsibility for our lives, which shows us that we have the NECESSARY faith AND intelligence to cope with any circumstance the universe chooses to place in our path. Hence this PROVES that we can exist AND worship on our own…However, BEING YOUR OWN CHURCH does not mean embracing isolation, for a balanced life is built upon the dual foundations of the inner and the outer church. Rather, BEING YOUR OWN CHURCH is a celebration of your wondrous inner strength and resourcefulness, as well as an acknowledgment of your natural ability to capably steer the course of your life…SO BEFORE YOU GO TO CHURCH TODAY, MAKE SURE YOU VISITED YOUR CHURCH FIRST…& JUST BECAUSE PASTOR SAY THAT HIS CHURCH IS DIVINELY INSPIRED DOESN’T MEAN IT IS…WE MUST ALL REMEMBER THAT THE TOP CHURCHES ARE DECIDED BY POPULARITY, NOT BY TRUTH! SO DOESN’T IT MAKE SENSE FOR US TO KNOW OUR TRUE CHURCH BEFORE STEPPING FOOT IN SOMEONE ELSE’S?

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