Tuesday, August 24, 2010


How did SO many of the men on this planet become SO impressed with the pseudo manhood of acting as if they know what it takes to be a man when they have NO idea how it is done? I ask this question because MANY have said to me both gay and straight that I am gay because a female (my mother) doesn’t have it in her to teach me how to be a man. Granted she may not be swinging a dick, but the woman that raised me has more balls N’ courage than most men I know.
I’ve heard over and over how a boy needs a man to teach him how to be a man and a girl needs vice versa. I grew up in single parent home and the fact that I am gay has brought MANY to say, ‘what can my family expect from me? After all there were NO men in the home to rear me.’ Now I grew up in a household with my sister, aunt and TWO uncles (meaning men) and I still am who I am…I did all sort of ‘’boyish’’ things with my uncle, yet still I am who I am…Moreover, I have friends and family who are homosexually inclined, who were raised in homes with both a mother AND a father yet they are just like me who was raised by a female that couldn’t teach me how to be a man. I suppose we all assume things about situations that we NO idea how they came to be.
I know that when you look around today, you barely see men setting ‘manly’ examples for the ones that come behind them. Why should gay men yearn to be like straight men? Moreover, why should young boys yearn to be like them? All the hyper-masculinity, misogyny, sexism AND violence that dominate our place on this planet is just degrading who we are as human beings. I feel that a boy becomes a man through introspection and NOT by another male teaching him how to become himself. But to bring change we have to examine and understand that the world’s mind has been controlled by men who put themselves in the position to be in control (i.e. politicians and ‘religious salesmen’).
Nonetheless I smile because to ‘know’ from experience and positive wisdom is quite different than ‘intellect babbling’. Better to spend time examining the inner and seeing the results of manifestation than spending life wondering when  we as a society are going to understand that responsibility MUST be taken before blame can be cast? From where I am sitting, I’d rather a world filled with soft boys than a world with hard broken men…

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