Monday, January 26, 2009


As of late I’ve been bombarded by gay men seeking my help in finding themselves a man. While this request is flattering, I can’t help but feel deflated because these various men seem to think OR feel that because I am in a relationship, that I’ve somehow…someway found the answers when all I’ve done is taken the steps so that I can be READY TO MALE when Noel came into my life. A few years ago, life saw it fit that I tend MY field AND fill myself from the inside out if I am to find secure the LOVE of just one man for the rest of my life. Over years, I’ve found that finding a good man is good BUT finding a GREAT man is even BETTER! ESPECIALLY if he is worth @ least an ounce of time AND energy, has himself together AND wants a life with another male. However if you AND he are to become we, you need to ensure that you are indeed READY TO MALE…From working on the things we don’t like about ourselves, to the lies we live with EVERYDAY, to shunning of the TRUE concept of LOVE…I feel that we need to create a FIRM foundation AND build a house on solid ground. I would HATE for you to wake up one day and wonder why you're still single AND don’t have any friends or REAL connections? I FIND THAT WE’VE LOST SO MUCH BECAUSE WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO MALE…I suppose that is why the clothes, monies AND parties take center stage, but what about the things you can’t see? Aren’t you tired of being a victim of your own doing? We all know that NO one will reward you for the life you live…ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT! SO AS I WRITE THIS, IT IS MY HOPE THAT THIS BLOG ENTRY & THE OTHERS THAT WILL FOLLOW WILL GIVE US SOME INSIGHT SO WE CAN BEGIN TO TURN THE TABLES & RECOGNIZE THAT THE LITTLE GAY BOY IS INDEED A MAN…A MAN THAT NEEDS TO ACCEPT HIMSELF AS HE IS & MAKE THE BEST OUT OF LIFE

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