Monday, January 26, 2009


TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE…HOW PROFOUND! Isn’t it AMAZING how regal AND majestic these words are, yet we have a HARD time being TRUE to ourselves? There are those of us who have given our lives to another SO willingly which resulted in us LOSING ourselves in the process. We don’t know WHO we are AND we’ve allowed others to DEFINE us, which has caused us to lose the ability to discover AND grow ourselves inwardly. We NO longer are able to discern a truth from a lie. For many of us, we have accepted lies for so long, that finding out what is true takes time. Having done this very thing, I know how difficult the journey to self-discovery can be. However, I found out that TRUTH is TRUTH and we GAY men are mostly living the NEGATIVE reactions that this shows the world about us. TRUTH is an ACTION word and it CANNOT be ACCEPTED without change. Accepting truth about ourselves is difficult, especially since we’ve been told from birth that the men we become are wired wrong. Despite all of that, TRUTH does set one free if it is allowed to; AND it is a CRUCIAL part of OUR healing. It is a MUST that we give ourselves the FREEDOM to be who we are…It is @ this time when we can come to terms with our weakness without condemnation AND appreciate our strength. So it is imperative that we LIVE OUR TRUTH! It is HONESTY @ the risk of being that VULNERABLE baby all over again…Recently I’ve come to realize that I wasn’t LIVING MY TRUTH. I’ve been putting off this writing this READY TO MALE series because I felt that there wasn’t any hope left for us. However watching Oprah’s LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE SEGMENT the other day and I changed my mind. On this show Oprah was discussing SPIRITUALITY with her guest and it was BEYOND interesting. So imagine my surprise when a GAY man skyped into the show and asked how he can live his best life ever? And it was @ this time that her guest Rev. Ed Bacon said to him that he needs to realize that BEING GAY IS A GIFT FROM GOD. With that said, is it any wonder we don’t know who we are? We have NOT, do NOT, will NOT acknowledge the GIFT that we were given as GAY men on this planet by God…What we have are a bunch of BOYS that are wearing shoes that are WAY TOO big for them. And these BOYS lack the INTELLIGENCE, FOCUS and UNDERSTANDING of what it means to be a male. So is it any wonder that we are then defined by EVERYTHING other than who OR what we TRULY are? CRAZY HUH? We live in an era where we have a VARIETY of semi-achievements; yet we’ve FORGOTTEN how to be vocal AND honest about them (a byproduct of a lost community or the result of deliberate delusion?). Whatever the answers are we need to STOP the DE-EVOLUTION of who are and NOT allow ourselves to swept along by the tide of society like jellyfish get swept to the shore. It is high time that we STOP cradling false HOPE and dwell into REALITY…BEING READY TO MALE IS ALL BEING TRUTHFUL & ACCEPTING ONE’S SEXUALITY…ARE YOU READY NOW?

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